Ruthie Arkell

Ruthie Arkell

Subtly charming coffee scholar. Proud beer advocate. Professional internet advocate. Friendly internet scholar. Amateur coffee practitioner.

43 Total Posts
How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases (stds)?

How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases (stds)?

The correct and consistent use of male latex condoms is highly effective in reducing the transmission of STDs. Use a...

How can men reduce their risk of developing sleep disorders?

How can men reduce their risk of developing sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders can affect everything from mood to fertility in men. Sleeping poorly can also increase the risk of...

How can men reduce their risk of developing dementia?

How can men reduce their risk of developing dementia?

Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of developing dementia. It's good for your heart,...

How can men reduce their risk of developing respiratory illnesses?

How can men reduce their risk of developing respiratory illnesses?

Smoking damages the lungs and increases the risk of a number of diseases, such as lung cancer and COPD. Risk factors for...

What mental issues do men face?

What mental issues do men face?

Male depression is one of the biggest mental health problems in men. CDC statistics show that 5.5 percent of young adult...

When do mental health issues start in men?

When do mental health issues start in men?

In many cases, men and women don't differ in the symptoms they'll experience when they have mental health problems....

What are the signs and symptoms of common men's health issues?

What are the signs and symptoms of common men's health issues?

HPV and other STIs · 6.The life expectancy of men in the United States is 76.1 years. This is five years less than the...

What are the best ways to prevent anxiety in men?

What are the best ways to prevent anxiety in men?

Lifestyle changes, such as spending time with supportive friends and family members, exercising regularly, getting enough ...

What are the best ways to prevent obesity in men?

What are the best ways to prevent obesity in men?

Choose healthier foods and beverages (whole grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and protein sources). Limit...

What are the benefits of regular exercise for men's health?

What are the benefits of regular exercise for men's health?

Benefits of exercise for men: lower risk of diabetes, reduced cholesterol, reduced depression and anxiety, lower risk of...

How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted viruses (stvs)?

How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted viruses (stvs)?

Condoms reduce the risk of infection from all STDs. You can still get certain STDs, such as herpes or HPV, from contact...

What are the most common health problems for men?

What are the most common health problems for men?

Risk factors for heart disease vary depending on cholesterol levels, diet, physical activity, and smoking habits. As men...

What are the best ways to prevent cancer in men?

What are the best ways to prevent cancer in men?

Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active. Improving your diet is one of the most important things you can do to ...

What causes mental health issues in men?

What causes mental health issues in men?

These interventions may be safer and easier to access for depressed men who don't feel comfortable seeking traditional...

What are the best ways to prevent prostate cancer in men?

What are the best ways to prevent prostate cancer in men?

There is no proven strategy for preventing prostate cancer. However, you can reduce your risk of prostate cancer by...

What are the best ways to prevent digestive problems in men?

What are the best ways to prevent digestive problems in men?

Water is essential for good health and the normal functioning of the intestines. Water also helps keep stools soft but...

What are the best ways to reduce stress for men's health?

What are the best ways to reduce stress for men's health?

Some of the tips below may take a little practice before you get used to it, but keep at it, slow down and take a step...

What are the most important lifestyle changes men can make to improve their health?

What are the most important lifestyle changes men can make to improve their health?

While being slim isn't necessarily healthier, losing weight is a great starting point for better health and something...

Why are men more at risk for hearing loss?

Why are men more at risk for hearing loss?

Men are nearly three times more likely to develop hearing loss than women. Hearing loss in men is more common because men ...

What are the best ways to prevent depression in men?

What are the best ways to prevent depression in men?

Increase physical activity, as exercise can ease symptoms of depression. Set small goals to accomplish tasks that seem...

What are the best ways to prevent heart disease in men?

What are the best ways to prevent heart disease in men?

One of the best things you can do for your heart is to stop smoking or smokeless tobacco. If you're between 40 and 75...

How can men reduce their risk of developing urinary tract infections (utis)?

How can men reduce their risk of developing urinary tract infections (utis)?

The key is to keep bacteria out of your system. Drink plenty of water and get your body cleaned often.

Are men's ears more sensitive?

Are men's ears more sensitive?

It was found that the male population had a greater hearing effect (the right ear was more sensitive) than the female...

What are the best ways to prevent high blood pressure in men?

What are the best ways to prevent high blood pressure in men?

Choose healthy meal and snack options that help you avoid high blood pressure and its complications. Stay at a healthy...

What are the best ways to prevent hearing loss in men?

What are the best ways to prevent hearing loss in men?

Increase the distance between you and the source of the noise. Reduce time spent in noisy areas.

What are the best ways to prevent kidney disease in men?

What are the best ways to prevent kidney disease in men?

Reducing stress and anxiety can lower blood pressure, which is good for your kidneys. Ask your healthcare provider the...

How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted infections (stis)?

How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted infections (stis)?

The correct and consistent use of male latex condoms is highly effective in reducing the transmission of STDs. Use a...

Are men more likely to develop autoimmune disease?

Are men more likely to develop autoimmune disease?

Women are up to four times more likely to suffer from autoimmune diseases compared to men. Many explanations have been...

Are men most likely to develop alzheimer's?

Are men most likely to develop alzheimer's?

Dementia-related suffering is multifaceted because cognitive and physical functioning slowly deteriorates. Older age and...

What are the main causes of men's mental health?

What are the main causes of men's mental health?

Epidemiological research on suicide, substance abuse, and depression in men indicates numerous common underlying risk...

What are the most important vitamins and minerals for men's health?

What are the most important vitamins and minerals for men's health?

Every time your muscles move, they use vitamin D. This mineral supports healthy muscles, nerves and bones.

The Role of Life Coaching in Improving Mental Health for Men

The Role of Life Coaching in Improving Mental Health for Men

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of mental health, particularly as it pertains to...

What are the most common mental health issues for men?

What are the most common mental health issues for men?

When the negative effect is an increase in depressive symptoms, substance abuse can often occur. Mental Health America...

What are the best ways to prevent diabetes in men?

What are the best ways to prevent diabetes in men?

Losing weight reduces the risk of diabetes. Regular physical activity has many benefits.

How can men reduce their risk of developing arthritis?

How can men reduce their risk of developing arthritis?

How to reduce your risk of arthritis Maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds put pressure on weight-bearing joints, such...

What are the best ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases in men?

What are the best ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases in men?

The correct and consistent use of male latex condoms is highly effective in reducing the transmission of STDs. Use a...

How can men reduce their risk of developing alzheimer's disease?

How can men reduce their risk of developing alzheimer's disease?

How you can reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease Prevent and control high blood pressure. Drinking too much alcohol...

What are the best ways to prevent skin cancer in men?

What are the best ways to prevent skin cancer in men?

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and one of the most preventable. Avoid the midday sun.

How can men prevent uti naturally?

How can men prevent uti naturally?

Dehydration is linked to a higher risk of urinary tract infections. Some evidence suggests that increasing vitamin C...

What are the best dietary choices for men's health?

What are the best dietary choices for men's health?

Staying active is always important for good health. Fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines and halibut are another...

How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted bacteria (stbs)?

How can men reduce their risk of developing sexually transmitted bacteria (stbs)?

Use a latex or polyurethane condom Using a latex or polyurethane condom every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex...